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Join us throughout the year, as we explore BCIT - Adult Education's career programs!
Medford Adult Ed Student One Time Communicable Disease Policy Review & Protocol Sign off
Westampton Adult Ed Student One Time Communicable Disease Policy Review & Protocol Sign off
Clinical Site COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate
Some of our clinical partners are requiring students in our Allied Health Programs to be fully vaccinated (two weeks or more removed from a 2 dose series of a vaccine or two weeks or more removed after 1 dose of the J&J vaccine) against COVID-19. As a result of this and in order to attend clinics at some of the sites, students who wish to enroll in our Allied Health Programs need to submit a copy of their vaccination card as part of their normal required prerequisites prior to beginning their program. Students who enroll in one of our Allied Health Programs and fail to submit their vaccination card as proof of being "fully vaccinated" will not be entitled to a refund, but will need to withdraw from the program.