Veterans Services
BCIT - Adult Education is committed to serving your educational needs as veterans or active duty troops who may be transitioning into civilian life, seeking to pursue continuing education while still serving our country, or transitioning into a new career. Our certificate programs can help you to successfully enter the job market. BCIT - Adult Ed will work with you on coordinating your educational benefits to be applied towards your course selection. Follow these simple steps to ensure your registration into our programs using your veterans’ benefits.

Veterans and dependents can call our office at (609) 267-4226 x 8230 to request an appointment with our Veterans Coordinator.
Get Certified:
Visit to apply for the GI Bill and related benefits.
Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance as soon as possible.
Service members will need to complete a VA form 22-1990 application for Veterans Benefits online.
Using the Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve/Chapter 1606? Get your Notice of Basic Eligibility (DD Form 2384-1) from your unit. Your unit will also code your eligibility into the Department of Defense (DoD) personnel system so we can verify it.
After you apply for Educational Benefits: The Department of Veteran Affairs will send you a decision letter in the mail. If your application is approved, you’ll need to show the letter to the VA certifying official at your school to start using education benefits. If you applied for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits using, you may be able to download your education decision letter online. If you disagree with a decision on your education benefits claim, you can request a decision review or manage a legacy appeal.
Make an Appointment to Register:
Please email,, to schedule your appointment
Bring to the appointment your Veterans Enrollment Certification Form and a DD214 (if applicable).
Complete the BCIT Adult Education Registration form at home or at your appointment.
BCIT - Adult Ed does require payment for the difference between the amount of the student's financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement.
Remember to verify your monthly enrollment!
Things to Remember:
COURSES TO CONSIDER: Confirm your course of interest is approved for Educational Benefits.
CLAIM RESPONSE TIME: Average time to process education claims is 30 days.
CHANGE OF STATUS: As a veteran using benefits to pay for your education, you are required to report your registration, to make sure you have been certified for that semester. Veterans must also report any course changes during the semester, to keep their files updated, and to avoid any unnecessary conflict in pay status.
VETERAN ABSENTEEISM: Excessive absenteeism could result in your benefits being decreased or terminated. The Veterans Service Center is kept informed of attendance records and will take appropriate actions to prevent overpayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
PAYMENTS: It can take 8 – 12 weeks after classes begin to receive the first payment following submission of certification of enrollment. Remember to verify your benefits monthly to prevent further payment delays. Visit the Veteran Affairs website to view your payment history.
For matters pertaining to Academic, Financial, Disability Counseling, or any other information regarding completing a course of education at BCIT, please follow up with Adult Ed Principal, Dr. Andrew McAlpin.
Additional Veterans Resources:
BCIT is proud of the service you provide or have provided to protect our freedoms that we enjoy as United States citizens. We look forward to being of service to you in return.